By The Numbers – New York State auto accidents

While conventional wisdom is that accidents happen, sometimes the root cause of an accident can be negligence. Unfortunately, victims of an accident often suffer life-altering injuries which can be costly. In addition to physical pain, an accident victim is often facing mountains of medical bills. Compounding the problem, serious injuries often mean a victim is [...]

2021-03-31T15:03:54-04:00By |Auto Accidents, Blog|

Construction Site Accidents in New York

Thousands of people are injured annually in construction site accidents in New York.  A personal injury attorney in Poughkeepsie can help victims recover financially.  Injuries can range from fairly minor bruises and bumps to far more serious conditions.Worker Construction Site AccidentsWorkers are subject to various hazards on construction sites. Hoists, lifts, scaffolding, ladders and various [...]

Have you been hit by a car?

A scary pedestrian knockdown resulted in serious injuries to our client who sustained multiple fractures to the skull and other bones.  The client endured a lengthy hospitalization and required the use of a ventilator and rehabilitation. The client's family was distraught.  They never imagined the day they would need an attorney for something like this. [...]

2021-03-31T15:04:00-04:00By |Auto Accidents|
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