Facts About Semi-Truck Accidents

Most tractor-trailer accidents happen without warning. Tractor-trailers are much larger and weigh more than the average passenger vehicle; therefore, these differences alone are what contribute to the seriousness of injuries inflicted on those in an accident with a semi-truck. It is rare for a person to suffer an accident with a tractor-trailerĀ and not be injured. [...]

2021-03-31T15:03:52-04:00By |Auto Accidents|

Common Types of Auto Accident Injuries

An auto accident has the potential to cause a variety of injuries. However, some are more common than others. Depending on the impact, speed, and type of vehicles involved, the injuries range from mild to severe. Some may even be life-threatening. Brain and Skull Injuries An auto accident in Hudson Valley may lead to brain [...]

2016-12-15T12:51:41-05:00By |Auto Accidents|

Semi-Truck Accidents Have Unique Issues

A motor vehicle accident between a semi-truck and a passenger vehicle poses a unique set of issues. Semi-truck drivers are required to follow state and federal driving regulations, and they are also required to have insurance with higher payout limits than the average passenger vehicle. Also, in a case against a negligent truck driver, a [...]

2021-03-31T15:03:53-04:00By |Auto Accidents|

How Do Truck Accidents Differ From Car Accidents With Injuries?

Truck accidents are collisions that involve larger commercial vehicles, such as tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, semi-trucks, and other large commercial trucks used for transport. Commercial vehicles are much larger (and weigh more) than the average passenger vehicle. Therefore, when an accident occurs, there is a likelihood of more severe injuries and property damage with a semi-truck or [...]

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