Facts About Semi-Truck Accidents

Most tractor-trailer accidents happen without warning. Tractor-trailers are much larger and weigh more than the average passenger vehicle; therefore, these differences alone are what contribute to the seriousness of injuries inflicted on those in an accident with a semi-truck. It is rare for a person to suffer an accident with a tractor-trailer and not be injured. [...]

2021-03-31T15:03:52-04:00By |Auto Accidents|

Defective Drugs, The Basics

Each year, pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars off the sale of their drugs. Whether they are prescription or over-the-counter, there is a lot of money in these types of products. The biggest names in drug manufacturing, such as Johnson & Johnson, have made $65 billion in a single year. Also, with the increase in [...]

2021-03-31T15:03:52-04:00By |Defective Drugs|

Common Types of Auto Accident Injuries

An auto accident has the potential to cause a variety of injuries. However, some are more common than others. Depending on the impact, speed, and type of vehicles involved, the injuries range from mild to severe. Some may even be life-threatening. Brain and Skull Injuries An auto accident in Hudson Valley may lead to brain [...]

2016-12-15T12:51:41-05:00By |Auto Accidents|

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim Following a Construction Accident

A vast majority of workplace deaths in the United States occur on construction sites. These accidents are so common that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has categorized them as the “fatal four” incidents. What are the Fatal Four? These four accidents are the most common causes of construction accidents in Hudson Valley and [...]

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