Truck accidents are collisions that involve larger commercial vehicles, such as tractor-trailers, 18-wheelers, semi-trucks, and other large commercial trucks used for transport. Commercial vehicles are much larger (and weigh more) than the average passenger vehicle. Therefore, when an accident occurs, there is a likelihood of more severe injuries and property damage with a semi-truck or other large commercial vehicle.

Assessing Injuries With Trucking Accidents

After a trucking accident, a personal injury attorney in Poughkeepsie may be called to help seek compensation for the injuries. This is because injuries are more severe in trucking accidents, even at lower speeds.

The average semi-truck can weigh approximately 80,000 pounds. Most passenger vehicles only weigh 3,000 pounds. That means injuries to those in the passenger car (even if it is a large SUV), are likely to be more extensive than for the truck driver. This is why trucking companies carry insurance with higher liability and injury payout limits.

There tends to be more compensation involved for injuries resulting from a truck-car accident than regular passenger vehicle accidents as well. This is often attributed to the long-term recovery associated with injuries following a truck accident.

Causes Of Accidents Differ Too

The reasons for these accidents differ from what will cause a passenger vehicle to strike another. Some common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Jackknifing: This occurs when the truck’s driver does not have enough time to react. The jackknife propensity is increased when the front brakes are de-powered.
  • Fuel Fires: Fuel fires could occur when the truck’s diesel fuel comes into contact with a battery spark post-accident. This can be avoided by protecting the battery casing from being crushed if an accident occurs.
  • Rollovers: Semi-trucks are top-heavy at times, and if they are loaded improperly, they may roll over and cause a tragic accident. Driver error, such as driving too fast, can also cause a truck rollover.
  • Braking Issues: Another common cause of trucking accidents is braking issues. When the brakes malfunction, whether due to defect or maintenance issues, the truck can hit other vehicles at high speeds and lead to catastrophic In this case, the manufacturer of the braking components or the company that installed them may be liable for the injuries.

Seeking Damages With A Personal Injury Attorney In Poughkeepsie

After a severe accident occurs, victims should contact a personal injury attorney. The law permits victims to claim compensation after a semi-truck accident occurs due to negligence. Semi-truck accidents are inherently complex; therefore, victims need to find an experienced attorney that has represented similar cases.

A personal injury attorney in Poughkeepsie may be able to help the victim receive compensation for medical costs, lost wages, rehabilitation, nursing home care, loss of the enjoyment of life, diminished relationships with a spouse, and pain and suffering. If the driver or the trucking company were extremely negligent (grossly negligent), they might have to pay punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages in the lawsuit.

Regardless of the cause, all victims involved in an accident with a semi-truck should contact a personal injury attorney to explore their options.